Dublin. Many describe Eulingu as the "U-lingu". There are various reasons why we shall use the ending "-u" which are laid out and explained in greater detail here:
1. Substantive/Noun: The suffix classifies a word as a "substantivu" (= "substantive/noun"), i.e. "a parler" ("to speak") => "parleru" - "(the) speaking" or "parlu" - (the) speech. Bear in mind, Eulingu is all about simplicity, flexibility and identification and therefore shall be easily recognizable. We more or less only deal with substantives ("-u"), verbs ("-er") and/or adjectives ("-us").
2. Gender: The word becomes genderless, i.e. "amiku" - "friend" which can be a female or male friend but which can be more specified by replacing the "-u" with "-a" (female) or "-o" (male) => "una amika" ("a female friend") or "uno amiko" ("a male friend"). As you can see, the article ("un", "una" y/o "uno") always carries the same ending as the substantive, which is not always the case in European languages.
3. European languages: The ending "-u" steps in for several endings in European languages such as "-ie" (German/French), "-y" (English) or "-ia" (Spanish/Italian). It also replaces vowels such as "a" and "e", i.e. "Europa" or "Europe" simply transform into "Europu". We also watch "democracy" (one of the greatest words and achievements in history) become "demokrazu" not favouring one but all European languages.
4. Singular/Plural: The suffix "-u" indicates the singular, the plural "-i" is applied accordingly, i.e. "un lingu" ("a language") but "tri lingi" ("three languages").
5. Compound: In addition, "-u" can be found in compund endings such as "-anzu" or "-azonu", i.e. "toleranzu" ("tolerance") or "kreazonu" ("creation").
6. Surlingu/Slangu: More advanced speakers of Eulingu (i.e. in "Slangu") will be able to discard of the "-u" ending, i.e. "un panu" ("a bread") simply becomes "un pan", "un kapu" ("a head") "un kap" or "un blogu" ("a blog") "un blog". As long as we understand each other, everything is possible. On the Eulingu blog we will promote "Surlingu" (main language) but we will also give examples of "Slangu".
7. Last syllable: The ending "-u" also vanishes in cases where the last syllable already consists of the vowel "u", i.e. in "kultur" ("culture") or "manikur" ("manicure"). The same rule applies to words with only one syllable, i.e. "hus" ("house"), "jus" ("juice"), "kult" ("cult"), "kur" ("cure") y/o "lung" ("lung").
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© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
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