EUL Mi beve multi glasi grandis du akvu kaltus in lu someru.
ENG We are drinking/drink many big glasses of cold water in the summer.
DEU Wir trinken viele große Gläser von/mit kaltem Wasser im Sommer.
DAN Vi drikker mange store glas koldt vand i sommeren.
FRA Nous buvons beaucoup de grands verres d'eau froide en été.
ITA Stiamo bevendo molti grandi bicchieri di acqua fredda in estate.
SPA Estamos bebiendo muchos vasos grandes de agua fría en el verano.
POL Jesteśmy picia wiele dużych szklanek zimnej wody w lecie.
RUS Мы пьем много больших стаканов холодной воды в летнее время/My p'yem mnogo bol'shikh stakanov kholodnoy vody v letneye vremya.
ESO Ni trinkas multajn grandajn glasojn da malvarma akvo en la somero.
While 'mi' (we) reflects the plural of 'mu' (mu + mu + mu = I + I + I), the verb 'drinking/drink' is formed by adding the active '-e' to 'bev' (beve - drink/drinking, bevete - drank & bevele - will drink). The compound 'multi glasi grandis' (many big glasses) follows the simple rule 'quantity-i + term-i + quality-is' with the ending '-i' indicating the plural and '-is' both the plural (-i-) and the adjective (-s) which strike back at the actual term ('glasi' in this case). The genetive is built with 'du + term-u', in this particular example 'du akvu kaltus' (of cold water). The time is expressed with the neuter 'in lu someru' (in the summer, looking at 'somero' in Esperanto for inspiration). You can also specify 'in lu tidu du someru' (in the summertime/in the time of summer).
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