OneEurope - UnEuropu

We are a network and community addressing paneuropean topics and connecting Europeans, initiatives, ngo's and other european projects.

OneEurope is a place where European citizens, bloggers, ngo's and initiatives can meet, get involved, discuss and access interesting topics about Europe.

Right now we are growing our community on Social Networks. In the background we work on a broader online platform. We always appreciate new supporters ready to invest time to grow OneEurope. Just mail to if you want to contribute!


Emerging nationalistic movements across Europe are questioning the value of a united Europe and labeling it as a scapegoat. The economic crisis fuels their rhetoric and increasingly attracts people looking for simple answers, frustrated by their governments and afraid of a power above the national level they have no control over.

But while the complex uniting process of our countries has been far from flawless we strongly believe it is a path worth to keep following. We don't want nationalistic parties to be the only voices audible, we don't want them to play off more powerful countries against weaker ones paving the ground for even stronger hostilities. We don't want to turn back history!

The world today is much different from the world a few decades ago. While the globalisiation has brought us many comforts and freedoms it also leaves individual countries in strong dependency of their partners.

We appreciate the variety of societies and cultures Europe has to offer and we are convinced cooperation between our countries holds far more chances than risks. We reject nationalism and appreciate the peaceful integration of people whatever ethnic or religious background they might have.

Of course we also reject a European nationalism towards non-European countries.

A known issue of the EU is a lack of an international european public where debates and politics can take place across borders overcoming cultural and linguistic barriers. As long as it stays like this politicians will be tempted to focus on national interests despite European responsablities and are tempted to hide European opportunities.

But there are enough Europeans ready to be part of a European public regarding a united Europe to be more more than the sum of its members. Let us be aware if anyone will protect and move Europe forward, it is us, we who know what it's worth!

We want a democratic, peaceful, diverse, and united Europe.

© 2012 OneEurope

1 comment:

cyqurayte said...

I like the idea, thx for the information! :-)