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"Estu Eulingu un projektu a developer un lingu simplus a uner populi europis. Estun demonstrer multu respektu por i kulturi d'Europu y reflekter esti elementi kulturis in developmentu d'lingu. Visiter y/o partiziper in estu grup..."

Vorti novis - New words
estu Eulingu - it is Eulingu (= Eulingu is)
un projektu - a project
a developer - to develop
un lingu simplus - a simple language
a uner - to unite
populi europis - (the) European people
estun demonstrer - we demonstrate
multu respektu - a lot of respect
por i kulturi d'Europu - for the cultures of Europe
y - and
reflekter - reflect
esti elementi kulturis - those cultural elements
in developmentu d'lingu - in (the) development of (the) language
visiter - visit
y/o - and/or
partiziper - participate
in estu grup - in this group

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu

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