EU Franko (est) parler: "Estum amer ma amika y esta amer-mu, estum amer-sa muches y estum amed muches d'ma amika."
[fran'ko: est pa:r'le: es'tu:m a:'me: ma: a'mi:'ka: i: es'ta: a:me: mu: es'tu:m a:me: sa: mu:'tʃe:s i: es'tu:m a:'me:d mu:'tʃe:s de: ma: a'mi:'ka:]
EN Franko says: "I love my girl friend and she loves me, i love her very much and I am loved very much by my girl friend."
DE Franko sagt: "Ich liebe meine Freundin und sie liebt mich, ich liebe sie sehr und ich werde sehr geliebt von meiner Freundin."
How do we do it?
As you can see, it is easy to form sentences in Eulingu and also to include the "possessive pronoun" in the structure. Let's have a closer look at the constructions.
Estum amer ma amika
I love my girl friend
We choose "ma" as it refers to "amika" which is female (girl friend) due to its "-a" ending, in contrast to the "gender free" suffix "-u" (ie "mu").
Esta amer-mu (= mu personu)
She loves me (my person)
We use the neutral "-u" ending in "mu" (we leave open if it is a "female" or "male" pronoun) as we theoretically add the word "personu" which is neutral (in its gender) to deter who loves who ("She loves-me"). A hyphen is added between the verb and the "possessive pronoun" when no visible noun is used (in our case "personu"). When we include "personu" in the sentence we need to write "esta amer mu personu" without the hyphen.
Estum amer-sa muches
I love her very much
See above, only that we use "sa" (3rd person singular) this time but also with the indication that it applies to "sa persona" (her person), not to "his person" (so persono). In general "su" works pretty much the same as in Spanish, ie "su karu" (his/her/its car) and only the context of the sentence gives us more information on the person involved. If still unclear, we would tend to the version of "the car of..." (u karu d'...) and give a specific name.
Estum amed muches d'ma amika
In this passive construction ("amed" instead of the active "amer") Franko expresses that he is loved very much "by my girl friend" ("d'ma amika")
© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu
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