Skolu d'Eulingu. It looks like that creating "times" (tenses) in Eulingu is one of the most difficult and time consuming tasks we have been confronted with. In order to keep it simple, recognizable and rememberable we came up with the following solution as a first draft.
We distinguish between past tense (pastu), present tense (presentu) and the future (futuru). 3 different tenses seem efficient enough to reflect reality and "everyday life", everything else should be considered "poetry" or "science" :-)
The "past tense" covers everything until the "present" which itself describes what is happening "now", while the "future tense" gives us an idea of something which "will" or "is going to" happen.
Estum - I am
Estut - You are (sgl.)
Esto - He is
Esta - She is
Estu - It/the/this is
Estumi - We are (=many "Is" are...)
Estuti - You are (pl., =many "YOUs" are...)
Esti - They/these are
Uni eksempli
Rikardo est presentir su pasportu at aerportu - Richard presents/is presenting his passport at the airport
Rikardo esto uno artisto - Richard is an (male) artist
Esta ordir un kafu kon latu - She orders/is ordering a coffee with milk
Estu un muchus belus manjaru - This is a very lovely meal
Estuti organizir un konferenzu in Paris - You organize/are organizing a conference in Paris
Esti salati grekis - These are Greek salads
PASTU KON "ET" [ae't]
Etum - I was
Etut - You were (sgl.)
Eto - He was
Etu - It/the/this was
Etumi - We were (=many "Is" are...)
Etuti - You were (pl., =many "YOUs" are...)
Eti - They/these were
Uni eksempli
Rikardo et presentir su pasportu at aerportu - Richard presented/was presenting his passport at the airport
Rikardo eto uno artisto - Richard was an artist
Eta ordir un kafu kon latu - She did order a coffee with milk
Etu un muchus belus manjaru - This was a very lovely meal
Etuti organizir un konferenzu in Paris - You did organize a conference in Paris
Eti salati grekis - These were Greek salads
Volum - I will
Volut - You will (sgl.)
Volo - He will
Vola - She will
Volu - It/the/this will
Volumi - We will (...do not confuse with "voluminu" = volume)
Voluti - You will (pl.)
Voli - They/these will
Uni eksempli
Rikardo vol presentir su pasportu at aerportu - Richard will present his passport at the airport
Vola ordir un kafu kon latu - She will order a coffee with milk
Voluti organizir un konferenzu in Paris - You will organize a conference in Paris
The "futuru" needs to be discussed further in one of the next posts...as there is possibly a conflict in the way we understand "to will" and "to want", i.e. "Rikardo volo uno artisto" does not really mean "Richard wants to be an artist"!
Possible solution:
Rikardo vol estir uno artisto - Richard will be/wants to be an artist
Qvas estut pensir d'postu? What do you think about this post? Do you find it interesting and uselful? Would you change anything? Did we miss something? Eulingu is an Open Source Artificial Language (OSAL) and therefore we need your input!
Por favoru, postir un komentu y/o skribir un e-postu a eurolanguage@gmail.com, multi danki!
© 2010 Skolu d'Eulingu
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