Amsterdam. Sonti madra, padro, sistra y frato parti d'familu y multus importantus por vidu d'humanu. Sont responsiblus parenti por infanti qv'sont dodra/fila y filo.
Estu familu van Dijk. U familu est habitir in urbu Amsterdam. Est sir familu van Dijk sur balkonu y visir in album d'fotografi d'familu. Padro Gerto est lir in su jurnalu d'sportu sur futbalu y sa dodra Ilka est bir un limonadu kaltus. Estu ringir. Madra Elvira est plazir su glasu d'limonadu sur tablu y aprir portu d'apartmentu. Estu Marko, filo d'Elvira y Gerto. Marko est entrir balkonu y sa sistra est donir un linonadu a su.
sonti - (they) are
madra, padro, sistra y frato - mother, father, sister and brother
parti d'familu - parts of (the) family
y - and
multus importantus - very important
por vidu d'humanu - for (the) life of (the) human (being)
sont responsiblus parenti - parents are responsible
por infanti - for (the/their) children
qv'sont dodra/fila y filo - which are daughter and son
estu familu van Dijk - this is (the) van Dijk family
U familu est habitir - the family lives/is living
in urbu Amsterdam - in (the) city Amsterdam
est sir familu van Dijk sur balkonu - (the) family van Dijk sits/is sitting on the balcony
y visir in album d'fotografi d'familu - and looks/is looking into (the) family photo album
Padro Gerto est lir - Father Geert reads/is reading
in su jurnalu d'sportu - in his sport magazine
sur futbalu - about football/soccer
y sa dodra Ilka - and his daughter Ilka
est bir un limonadu kaltus - drinks/is drinking a cold lemonade
estu ringir - it (the doorbell) rings/is ringing
Madra Elvira est plazir su glasu d'limonadu - Mother Elvira places/is placing her glass of lemonade
sur tablu - on the table
y aprir portu d'apartmentu - and opens (the) door to/of (the) apartment
estu Marko - it is Marc
filo d'Elvira y Gerto - (the) son of Elvira and Geert
Marko est entrir balkonu - Marc enters/is entering (the) balcony
y sa sistra - and his sister
est donir un linonadu a su - gives/is giving him a limonade (lit. "to him")
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