Mi ne guste Brexit

Eulingu_Brexit mess_by Micki Marbh
EUL Mi guste multes li populi britis mas mi ne guste lu kaosu um Brexit.
ENG We do like the British people very much but we do not like the mess surrounding Brexit.
DEU Wir mögen die Briten sehr, aber wir mögen nicht das Chaos um den Brexit herum.
DAN Vi kan lide det britiske folk meget, men vi kan ikke lide messen omkring Brexit.
NED We houden erg van het Britse volk, maar we houden niet van de rotzooi rondom de Brexit.
FRA Nous aimons beaucoup les Britanniques mais nous n'aimons pas les dégâts causés par le Brexit.
ITA Ci piace molto il popolo britannico, ma non ci piace il caos che circonda Brexit.
SPA Nos gustan mucho los británicos, pero no nos gusta el lío que rodea al Brexit.
EST Meile meeldib Briti rahvas väga, kuid meile ei meeldi Brexiti ümbritsev segadus.
POL Bardzo lubimy Brytyjczyków, ale nie lubimy bałaganu otaczającego Brexit.
ESP Ni multe ŝatas la britajn homojn, sed ni ne ŝatas la katastrofon ĉirkaŭ Brexit.

mi guste multes [mi: gus'te: mul'tes] - we very much like
li populi britis [li: po:'pu:'li: bri:'tis] - the British people
mas [mas] - but
mi ne guste [mi: ne: gus'te:] - we do not like
lu kaosu um Brexit [lu: ka:'o:'su: um brek'si:t] - the chaos surrounding Brexit

The Brexit mess
The Brexit process has been a failure from the start. There was no reason to have a referendum in the first place. The only reason for having one was to please the Tory hardliners. Once the Leave/Remain campaigns took off they were quickly hijacked by individuals and outside forces with different agendas who saw the referendum as an opportunity to further their own ambitions and fill their own buckets rather than to better the future for the many. The Brexit process is now stuck with too many options on the table. In a rational world things would go back to normal and back to the default setting which would be to remain in the EU.

The British people and the UK will always be welcome in the rest of Europe and the EU.

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