Mitagu i Minoktu | Midday and Midnight | Mittag und Mitternacht

EUL A mitagu en manje ni bageti i a minoktu en beve uni biri.
ENG At lunch time we eat our baguettes and at midnight we drink a few beers.
DEU Am Mittag essen wir unsere Baguettes und um Mitternacht trinken wir einige Biere.

Li bi (two) vorti 'mitagu' i 'minoktu' folge lu prinzipu egalus, un kombinu di termi 'mid-/mit-' (in the 'mid' of) i 'tagu/noktu' (day/night). A simple lu lingu, en dezide por 'mi-' as solvu i fine kon 'mitagu' (in the 'mid' of the day/midday/lunch time) i 'minoktu' (in the 'mid' of the night/midnight).

Also, there are two words we like to highlight for pronounciation reason, these are 'manje' (eat) and 'bageti' (baguettes). True to the rule 'sound over spelling', the terms were reflected according to their sound rather than their original spelling (baguettes/mange). So we like to introduce 'ni bageti' [ni: ba:'ge:'ti:] and 'a manje' [a: man'dʒe:].

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© 2014 Amiki d'Eulingu

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