La sora i lo frato | The sister and the brother

EUL Ci populi esti Rita i Karlo. Esta Rita la sora do Karlo i esto Karlo lo frato da Rita.
ENG These people (they) are Rita and Karl. Rita (she) is the sister of Karl and Karl (he) is the brother of Rita.
DEU Diese Leute (sie) sind Rita und Karl. Rita (sie) ist die Schwester von Karl und Karl (er) ist der Bruder von Rita.

In cu eksemplu en fokuse in li sufiksi '-i', '-a' i '-o'. Lu sufiksu '-i' reflekte lu pluralu, kel estut trove in li termi 'ci' (these), 'populi' (plural of 'people') i 'esti' (they are), mas otres in 'i' (and). In 'Rita', 'esta' (she is), 'da' (of the 'female') i 'la sora' (the sister) en vide lu sufiksu '-a' kel reflekte 'termi femis' (female terms). A finu lu sufiksu '-o' represente li 'male terms' in li paroli 'Karlo', 'esto' (he is), 'do' (of the 'male') i 'lo frato' (the brother).

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© 2013 Amiki d'Eulingu

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