Un kapuzinu y un kornetu

EU Lara trinker un tasu d'kapuzinu y manjer un kornetu italus

[la:'ra trin'ke: un ta:'su d: ka'pu'tshi:'nu i: man'dshe: un kor'ne:'tu ita'lus]

EN Lara drinks/is drinking a cup of cappuccino and eats/is eating an Italian cornetto/croissant
DE Lara trinkt eine Tasse Cappuccino und isst ein italienisches Cornetto/Croissant

© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu


Brian Barker said...

I thought you might be interested to know that the next European Esperanto Conference will be in Galway.

Details are here http://eeu-kongreso.webnode.com/

Arne Duering said...

Great news will be there...

Nico Huurman said...

Interesa ideo, sed kial krei plian planlingvon kiam jam ekzistas Esperanto, kiu dum 125 pruvis sian taŭgecon kaj viglecon? En kiu aspekto Eulingu celas esti pli taŭga solvo?

Interesting idea, but why creating another planned language when there's already Esperanto, which has proven its usefulness and vividness for 125 years? In what aspect Eulingu aims to be a better solution?

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