St. Nikola(u)s

€ Est arivar St. Nikola(u)s as nait ab 05.12. to 06.12.
~ Est a-ri-war sant ni-ko-la(u)s as na-it ab deschambar schinkast to deschambar seschast
EN St. Nikolas arrives during the night from 05.12. to 06.12.
DE St. Nikolaus kommt in der Nacht vom 05.12. zum 06.12.

est arivar - (is) arrives(-ing)
as - during, as
Na nait - The night
ab - from
to - to
por - for
mor - more
Na informazon - The information
email - email
or - or
con-vil-ut! - please! (with-will-yours)

Por mori informazoni on Europún email: or, con-vil-ut!

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