Un lingu simplus | A simple language | Un langage simple

'Eulingu e un projektu novus al kre un lingu simplus por Europu kel une li populi europis in 'un tongu'. Mi demonstre multu respektu por li multi kulturi du Europu, zelebre su diversu grandus i reflekte si elementi kulturis i lingis in le develope du Eulingu.' (Definu du Eulingu)

Lu termu 'Eulingu' konsiste di vorti 'Europu' i 'lingu'. Su reflekte zu kontinentu belus du Europu i li multi populi, kulturi i lingi europis. Eulingu inspiren di lingi romanis, germanis i slavis. Mi probe ankes al integre otri lingi europis in le develope du Eulingu kel ne parlen di multi populi (por eksemplu: lingi gaelis i/o uralis) i kel preserve etimologu in Europu.

Mi guste al presente i eksplane lu strukturu i lu gramatiku i uni regli simplis du Eulingu:

Mu - I
Tu - You (sgl)
So - He
Sa - She
Su - It
Mi - We
Ti - You (pl)
Si - They

Lu/lo/la/le - the (sgl), lu vortu (the word), la fema (the woman), le develope (the developing)
Li - the (pl), li lingi (the languages)
Zu/zo/za/ze [t͡ʃ-] - this/that, in zu landu (in this land)
Zi [t͡ʃi:] - these/those, in zi tempi (in those times)
Un/uno/una - a/an, un landu (a land), uno skribero (a 'male' writer) 
Uni - some/a few, uni eksempli (a few examples)

-u - indicates 'neuter' terms, mostly the result of something (person, thing or thought), mu/tu (I/you (sgl)), un kontinentu (a/one continent), un pensu (a thought), un familu (a family)
-i - indicates plural of '-u', li kontinenti i si populi (the continents and their people), mi/ti (we/you (pl)), also visible in the word 'i' (and)
-a - indicates 'female' terms, una parlera (a 'female' speaker), ma fema (my woman), la mama/matra (the mama/mother), una sora (a sister), ta fila (your daughter)
-ai - indicates plural of '-a', li akterai (the actresses), penti filai (five daughters)
-o - indicates 'male' terms, lo skribero (the 'male' writer), uno patro (a father), mo frato (my brother), to filo (your son)
-oi - indicates plural of '-o', li parleroi (the 'male' speakers), tri filoi (three sons)

If not followed by a verb (-e/en) these indicate possession:
Mu/mo/ma/mi/me - my/our, mi domi (my/our houses) 
Tu/to/ta/ti/te - your (sgl & pl), te develope (your development)
Su/so/sa/si/se - its/his/her/their, si populi (its/his/her/their people)
But: Mi ame mi domi (we love our houses)

du/do/da/di/de - of/out of/by, li populi du Europu (the people of Europe), Karla i Leo vene du Norgu (Carla and Léo come 'out of'/from Norway), also used in passive, lu pintu pinten do pintero grandos Salvatoro (the painting is painted by the great painter Salvator)

-e - indicates action, sa parle uni vorti du lingu italus (she speaks a few words of the Italian language), le parle di lingi (the speaking of languages) 
-en - indicates passive, lu kartu skriben do Pablo (the post card is written by Pablo)
-er/-ero/-era - the 'doer', Sara es una aktera (Sara is an actress)
ne - indicates negation in action, Petro ne parle lu lingu irus (Petro does not speak the Irish language)

Tri tempi (ONLY three tenses)
-e/nepresent tense, si parle in lingi multis (they speak in many languages), sa e du Polsku (she is from Poland)
-ete/nete - past tense, Olga visitete Paris i sa gustete-su multes (Olga visited Paris and she liked it very much), Karlo nete in su domu (Charles was not in his home/house)
-ele/nele - future tense, Bianka kupele un jaku novus por so amiko Paskalo (Bianca will buy a new jacket for her friend Pacal), Kriso ele in London por tri tagi (Chris will be in London for three days)

In most cases quantity (number/article/multu/-i) precedes the term (noun) followed by quality (adjective/adverb) to provide more clarity and structure within Eulingu:
Multi lingi belis - many beautiful languages
Tri artisti grandis - three great artists
Multu respektu - much respect

-us/-os/-as/-is - indicates adjective, mostly follows the noun, un projektu novus (a new project), una fema belas (a beautiful woman), li lingi germanis (the Germanic languages)   
-es - indicates adverb, mostly follows the verb, mi probe egales a integre toti lingi europis in le develope du Eulingu (we try to integrate equally/also all European languages in the 'developing' of Eulingu)

Your turn :-)
We strive to make Eulingu a better and more adaptive language and would be very pleased if you feel like contributing to this project. Simply leave a comment or send a few words our way at eurolanguage@gmail.com or on Twitter. Very much appreciated!

Kes tu pense? What do you think? Was denkst du? Qué te parece? Qu'en pensez-tu? Co o tym sądzisz? Что ты думаешь?

© 2017 Eulingu

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