Lu visitu da Katya | The visit of Katya | Der Besuch von Katja

EUL Katya esta du Rosiyu i esta stude uni lingi europis a l'Universitu Status du Moskvu. A momentu esta una turista ka visite lu citu Paris a vide lu tur Eiffel i otri siti turistis.
ENG Katya is from Russia and she studies a few European languages at the Moscow State University. At the moment she is a tourist who visits the city of Paris to see the Eiffel tower and other touristic sites.
DEU Katja ist aus Russland und sie studiert einige europäische Sprachen an der Staatlichen Universität Moskau. Im Moment ist sie eine Touristin, die die Stadt Paris besucht, um den Eiffel Turm und weitere touristische Plätze zu sehen.

Katya is from Moscow (Москва́), the capital of Russia (Росси́я), and yes, she studies a few European languages at the famous Lomonosov Moscow State University (МГУ). She has travelled to Paris as a tourist (тури́ст-) to improve on her languages skills but also to enjoy the Parisian way of life.

In our example we have used the present tense as things are happening at the very moment. There is no distinction between the 'regular' and the 'continuous form', so 'esta visite' can mean both 'she visits' and 'she is visiting' depending on the context.

All words connected to Katya are in 'female mode' ending with the suffix '-a', for example 'esta' (she is), 'Katya' herself, 'da' (of/from), 'una turista' and the notorious 'ka' (who). If it was Ivan travelling to Paris we would use 'esto', 'Ivano', 'do', 'uno turisto' and equally 'ko', all ending with a male '-o'.

Plenty of words in Eulingu are in 'neuter', for example 'lu visitu' (the visit), 'du' (of/from), 'lu lingu' (the language), 'lu citu' (the city), 'lu universitu', 'Moskvu', 'Rosiyu' (Russia), 'situ' (site) or even 'tur' (tower). Remember, in words with one syllable we can skip the final '-u' if the syllable already contains the magic '-u-'. The plural is built by replacing the '-u' with an '-i', e.g. 'li lingi', 'li citi', 'li universiti' or 'tri turi' (three towers). The letter 'i' on its own means 'and' expressing a quantity higher than one.

In order to create an adjective, which usually follows after the substantive, we add '-s' to the word, so connecting 'Europu' (Europe) and 'lingu' we are able to form 'lingu europus' (European language) or 'lingi europis' (European languages), if there are a few of them (which there are). The university itself is called 'Universitu Status' (state-owned university) indicating that 'lu statu' (the state) is 'running the show'. You can also find 'otri siti turistis' (other touristic sites) in our example.

This has been the first post of the new year. We wish all of you a happy, peaceful and exciting 2014 and look forward to hearing from you in blogs, Facebook, Twitter, posts, comments and other forms of feedback. :-)

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© 2014 Amiki d'Eulingu

1 comment:

Arne Duering said...

A great start into 2014 :-)