Gramatiku | Lu tempu presentus

Europu. Es lu 'tempu presentus' lu tempu primus in nu konversu tagus. Por cu en presente li multi formi du 'tempu presentus' in Eulingu. En use 'indikatori du tempu' a define lu tempu presentus, un kombinu du 'est + sufiksu du popolu', por eksemplu 'est + -um' (to be + I = I am), 'est + -ut' (to be + you = you are) i/o 'est + -un' (to be + -un = We are). Por cu en non konjuge li verbi (-e) mas kre formi separatis. In 'Slangu', un variu simplus du Eulingu, en use un termu simplus ('em', 'es' i/o 'en') in uni formi (in 'bold'):

Estum/em | I am
Estut | you are (sgl.)
Esto | he is
Esta | she is
Estu/es | it is
Estun/en | we are
Estuv | you are (pl.)
Esti/es | they are (pl. of 'estu/es')

In kasi ken en involve li nomi di populi, en use lu nomu i lu formu kombinus du 'tempu presentus':

Olga esta ferme lu fenestru. (= Olga she is)
Olga i Marko esti beve un tasu du espresu. (= Olga and Mark they are)

In Slangu en omite 'esta' (she is) i 'esti' (they are) i parle:

Olga ferme lu fenestru.
Olga i Marko beve un tasu du espresu.

Uni eksempli:
Em vade a lu lagu | I go/walk/~wade to the lake
Esta parle Espanus/lu lingu espanus | She speaks Spanish/the Spanish language
Es un vehiklu dobrus | It is a good car/vehicle
En kante uni kanti famis | We sing a few/some famous songs
Esti beve si biri | They drink their beers
Timo esto vise TV | Tim (he) watches TV
Sara i Bruno esti manje ovi fritis | Sarah and Bruno (they) eat fried eggs

Paroli novis:
tempu presentus | present tense
tempu primus | preferred tense (first tense)
in nu konversu tagus | in our daily conversation
por cu | for this/therefore
en use | we use
indikatori du tempu - tense indicators
a define | to define
un kombinu | a combination
sufiksu du populu | people suffix
en non konjuge | we do not conjugate
li verbi | the verbs
a kre | to create
formi separatis | separate forms
un variu simplus du Eulingu | a simple variation of Eulingu
termu simplus | simple term
in uni formi | in a few forms
kel esti | which are
in kasi ken en involve | in cases when we involve
li nomi di populi | the names of people
formu kombinus | combining form (= corresponding form)
esta ferme lu fenestru | she closes the window
esti beve un tasu du espresu | they drink a cup of espresso
en omite | we omit
uni | some/a few (pl. of 'un/una/uno')

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© 2013 Amiki d'Eulingu

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