Gramatiku | Kem a frage in Eulingu?

We have already touched on this in a previous blog post but it is important to remind us again.

In order to add more consistency within Eulingu we have decided to use the "ke-" structure when creating question words where action (aktu) is involved (as the suffix "-e" implies movement of some kind) and "ku/ka/ko/ki" where people (populi) are addressed.

Kes - What
Kel - Which/who
Ker - Where
Kem - How
Kem multu - How much
Kem multi - How many
Ken - When
Por kes? - Why/What for

Uni eksempli:
Kes es? - What is this/that/it?
Kem multi lingi estut parle? - How many languages do you speak?
Kem multu es? - How much (is it)/does it cost?
Kem estut? - How are you?
Ken esti arive in zentru du citu? - When do they arrive in the (city) centre?

Ku/ka/ko - Who (sgl, depending on "gender")
Ki - Who (pl)
Kum - Whom

Uni eksempli:
Ku es? - Who is this 'gender unknown' person?
Ku es poseser du batu? - Who is the owner of the boat?
Ka esta? - Who is she?
Ko esto? - Who is he?
Ki esti? - Who are they?
Kum estun done ni moneti? - Whom do we give our money?

Kes estut pense? Qué te parece? What do you think? Qu'en pensez-vous? Was denkst du?

© 2013 Amiki d'Eulingu