Kem e fare? How to drive?

EUL Pablo i Sara esti fare kon lu bus a lu zentru d'urb, Petro esto fare kon su biku, mas estun fare kon nu karu.
ENG Pablo and Sarah (they) take the bus to the city centre, Peter (he) cycles his bike but we drive with our car.
DEU Pablo und Sarah (sie) nehmen den Bus in die Innenstadt, Peter (er) fährt sein Fahrrad, aber wir fahren mit unserem Auto.
The Eulingu reflection of "to drive" is a tricky one and has long been a major point of discussion among Eulinguists. Although widely used in conversation, we have been unable until now to agree on a specific term and the "inconsistency" within European languages ("drive" in English, "fahren" in German, "conduire" in French, even "andare", "correre" & "condurre" in Italian, also "води́ть" in Russian) has made our quest even more difficult. Making matters worse, it also depends on the kind of transport (car, bike, bus, taxi, ship, boat etc.) you use to select the correct term.
Otres, tam esti li opti "e navige", "e dirige", "e pilote" i/o "e manovre" kel labore bones in Eulingu.
Nevertheless, we have settled for "e fare" which is short, sexy and straight to the point. It can be found in the Italian expressions "fare l'autostop" (to hitchhike) & "fare un viaggio a vuoto" (drive/travel for free) and forget for a second that "fare" in Italian means "to make/do", furthermore "the fare", "farewell" & "fare card" in English and as mentioned before "fahren" in German.
Going forward
With that in mind we are able to use "e fare" every time we need to go from one place to the next using a certain transport method which is "touching the ground" (therefore air travel NOT included).
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© 2012 Amiki d'Eulingu

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