Em trinker un glasu d'vinu tintus...

EU Em trinker un glasu d'vinu tintus in mu kozinu petitus y viser TV
[em tri:n'ke: u:n gla:'su: de: vi:'nu: tin'tu:s in mu: ko:'ʃi:'nu: pe:'ti:'tus i: vi:'se: te:'ve:]
EN I drink a glass of red wine in my little kitchen and watch TV
DE Ich trinke ein Glas Rotwein in meiner kleinen Küche und schaue Fernsehen/TV

d'Micki Marbh. It is late in the evening...and I am drinking a glass of red wine in my little kitchen and watch TV...well...I have also switched on my laptop and now I am opening the Facebook page...you know what this means...no sleep until 3 am :-)

Wait, can you explain why you used "em" instead of "estum"? Well, I guess I got lazy and used the slang...

See you in the morning, rocker!

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© 2010 Amiki d'Eulingu

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