Gramatiku - I formi variablis d'termi "est" y "sont"

J'est/estam - I am
U'est/estud - You are (sgl)
Estos - He is
Estela - She is

Estu - It is...

V'sont/sontiv - We are
Sonti y/o sontu - You are (pl)
Z'sont/sontiz - They are

Dar - there is/are...

Multi eksempli
J'est amir bari d'urbu - I (am) love(ing) the bars of the city
U'est bir un biru - you (are) drink(ing) a beer
Estos arivir in teatru d'filmu - He (is) arrives(ing) in the cinema
Estela plazir un legu sur tablu - She puts a leg on the table
Estu "Casablanca" un filmu grandus - "Casablanca" is a great movie
V'sont manjir steki delizis - We (are) eat(ing) delicious steaks
Z'sont parlir a femi - They (are) speak(ing) with the girls
Dar potati in platu sur tablu - There are potatoes in the plate on the table

© 2010 Skolu d'Eulingu

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