Tri porzoni d'tortu d'zokolatu

Salzburg. Sont manjir Pierre, Lars y Lucia tri porzoni d'tortu d'zokolatu in cafu d'Salzburg in Austru. Dar Salzburg un paradisu por amiki d'desertu y nu lokazonu d'nativitu d'musiko y artisto Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. In 1997 Salzburg vos listirdt as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Por mori informazoni sur Salzburg visitir Wikipedia

Sont manjir - are eating, eat (pl.)
tri porzoni d'tortu d'zokolatu - three pieces/portion of chocolate cake
in cafu d'Salzburg in Austru - in a Salzburg cafe in Austria
dar - it is, there is/are
dar Salzburg - Salzburg is
un paradisu - a paradise
por amiki d'desertu - for lovers/friends of desserts
y - and (if list of related words or subjects, rather than "et" when sentences with different meanngs are combined)
nu lokazonu d'nativitu - the birthplace
d'musiko y artisto Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - of the (male, see word+o) musician and artist Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
vos listirdt - was listed (sing.past.pass. = vos + verb+irdt)
as UNESCO World Heritage Site - as UNESCO World Heritage Site

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