Un definizon d'constructed languages

Wikipedia. A constructed or artificial language—known colloquially or informally as a conlang—is a language whose phonology, grammar, and/or vocabulary have been consciously devised by an individual or group, instead of having evolved naturally. There are many possible reasons to create a constructed language: to ease human communication (see international auxiliary language and code); to bring fiction or an associated constructed world to life; linguistic experimentation; celebration of one's aesthetic tastes in language; and language games.

The synonym planned language is sometimes used to refer to international auxiliary languages and other languages intended for actual use in human communication. Some prefer it to the more common term "artificial", as that term may have pejorative connotations in some languages. For example, few speakers of Interlingua consider their language artificial, since they assert that it has no invented content. While this is not true of Esperanto and Ido, some speakers of these languages also avoid the term "artificial language" because they deny that there is anything "unnatural" about the use of their language in human communication. (In Esperanto itself, the equivalent of English "artificial" does not have the same pejorative connotation, having more connection with the concept of "art".) Some philosophers such as François Rabelais have argued that all human languages are conventional or artificial.

Calling languages "planned" also addresses a difficulty with the term "constructed language": a few languages are loosely grouped under this heading as a result of shared history and uses but are not, by their proponents, themselves viewed as constructed. Interlingua's vocabulary is taken from a small set of natural languages with much less phonological modification than in Esperanto or Ido, and its grammar is based closely on these source languages, even including a certain degree of irregularity; its proponents prefer to describe its vocabulary and grammar as standardized rather than invented.

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Remush said...

I just requested a modification to the article in Wikipedia:
The sentence : "it has no invented content. While this is not true of Esperanto and Ido" is highly questionable. If you look at http://remush.be/etimo/etimo.html you will convince yourself to the contrary. Some are considering the 45 correlatives (when, where, what... then, there, that ... never, nowhere, nothing etc) as "artificial" but even they were not invented from thin air (in Eo: kiam, kie, kio... tiam, tie, tio... neniam, nenie, nenio...). Esperanto has just regulated the way these words are build. Ido uses "natural" words for those correlatives.

--Remush (talk) 18:21, 3 December 2008 (UTC)

"with much less phonological modification than in Esperanto or Ido" same remark as here above. Look at http://remush.be/etimo/etimo.html. There is no more variation between Esperanto and the various languages using the same word, than between those languages themselves. English is the language that deviates most from the general way a word is pronounced.

--Remush (talk) 18:33, 3 December 2008 (UTC)

Arne Duering said...

hi remush, thank you very much for your comment, i definitely prefer interlingua to esperanto just because it looks more "sexy" than esperanto, too many signs and rules...eulingu is aimed at the whole of europe to contribute, test and evaluate...it is flexible and even allows different version and pronounciations of the same term/expression...see you there, arne/micki

Remush said...

"qv'est parlirdt" may look very sexy, but I have no idea how it sounds.
Interlingua may be fairly easy to read (for some), but I doubt one can speak it that fast.
I am quite happy with what I can do in Esperanto right now.
About Interlingua etc... read my answer at Interlingua more european

Unknown said...

the beautiful thing about eulingu is that you can pronounce the way you feel it sounds best, so try "qv'est parlirdt" maybe as "kvesst par-leered" if you want to give it i.e. an english touch...eulingu will be based on popularity and efficiency so at a much later stage in the future we (skol d'eulingu, anyone can join) will decide on a "main lang" (high eulingu) and a "slang lang" (regional slang/dialects etc)...eulingu is pretty much modern day democracy :-)

Remush said...

So I can pronounce ghothi like fish