Ni fruti d'glob

Dar multi fruti qv'sont distribuirdt sur glob. Dar fruti d'mar, dar fruti d'land, dar fruti d'forst y dar fruti d'teru. Sont ni orangi ni fruti d'land con multi vitamini por nu systemu humanuq.

Dar multi fruti - there are many fruits
qv'sont distribuirdt - which are dirstributed
sur glob - over the globe/earth
dar fruti d'mar - there are fruits of the sea
dar fruti d'land - there are fruits of the land
dar fruti d'forst - there are frutis of the wood/forest
y dar fruti d'teru - and there are fruits of the soil
sont ni orangi ni fruti d'land - the oranges are the fruits of the land
con multi vitamini - with plenty of vitamins
por nu systemu humanuq - for the human system/body

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