James Bond: Who is the Real Thing? Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Craig?

€ Est playad na rol d’heroq James Bond i film “The world is not enough” by aktor irúz Pierce Brosnan in an 1999
EN The main role (role of the hero) James Bond in the movie “The world is not enough” is played by Irish actor Pierce Brosnan in the year 1999
DE Die Hauptrolle (Rolle des Helden - Heldenrolle) James Bond im Film “The world is not enough” wird vom irischen Schauspieler Pierce Brosnan gespielt im Jahre 1999

est playad - is played
na rol d’heroq - the main role
i film - in the movie
by aktor irúz - by the Irish actor
in an 1999 - in the year 1999

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